Tuesday 3 September 2013

Siva Astothra Satha Namavali

108 Siva Astothram

Om Shivaa namah                               -  He who is peaceful
Om Mahe-shwaraya namah                 -  He who is the greatest lord
Om Shambhave namah                       -  He who is Shambhu
Om Pinaakine namah                         -  He who holds the bow called Pinaka
Om Sasi-shekha-raya namah             -  He who collected the moon

Om Vama-devaya namah                  -  He who is Vama deva
Om Virupakshaya namah                 -  He who has a not pleasant eye
Om Kapardhine namah                    -  He who holds the skull
Om Nila-lohitaya namah                   -  He who is the colour of blue metal
Om Shankaraya namah                    -  He who is Shankara

Om Shula-panine namah                  -  He who holds the trident
Om Khatvamgene namah                 -  He who holds the sword
Om Vishnu-vallabhaya namah         -  He who is the Lord of Lord Vishnu
Om Sipi-vistaya namah                   -  He who is with ray of light
Om Ambika nadhaya namah           -  He who is the Lord of Parvathi

Om Srikantaya namah                     -  He who has a divine neck
Om Bhakta-vastalaya namah           -  He who loves his devotees
Om Bhavaya namah                        -  He who is happening
Om Sharwaya namah                      -  He who is Shiva who destroys
Om Trilo-keshaya namah                -  He who has three type of hairs

Om Siti-kantaya namah                    -  He who has a black neck
Om Siva-priyaya namah                   -  He who is liked by Parvathi
Om Ugraya namah                         -  He who is fierce
Om Kapaline namah                        -  He who holds the skull
Om Kaomarine namah                     -  He who is a lad forever

Om Andhaka-sura-sudanaya namah         -  He who killed Andhakasura
Om Ganga-dharaya namah                      -  He who carries river Ganga
Om Lalaa-takshaya namah                      -  He who has an eye in the forehead
Om Kaala-kalaya namah                         -  He who is the death to God of death
Om Kripa-nidhaye namah                        -  He who is the treasure of mercy

Om Bheemaya namah                      -  He who is Gross
Om Parashu-hastaya namah              -  He who has axe in his hand
Om Mruga-panine namah                 -  He who has a deer in his hand
Om Jata-dharaaya namah                 -  He who has a matted lock
Om Kailasa-vasine namah                -  He who lives in Kailasa

Om Kavachine namah                       -  He who wears an armour
Om Katoraya namah                        -  He who is very harsh
Om Tripuran-takaya namah               -  He who destroyed the three cities
Om Vrushankaya namah                   -  He who is the Lord of the bull
Om Vrushabharudaya namah             -  He who rides a bull

Om Bhasmo-dhulitha vigrahaya namah -  He whose body is sprinkled with ash
Om Sama-priyaaya namah                 -  He who likes Sama Veda
Om Sarwamayaaya namah                  -  He who is spread in everything
Om Traemurthaye namah                   -  He who is the trinity
Om Anishwaraya namah                    -  He who is the God who destroys

Om Sarwagnyaya namah                    -  He who orders every thing
Om Paramatmane namah                   -  He who is the divine soul
Om Soma-suryagni-lochanaya namah -  He who has moon, Sun and ire as his eyes
Om Havishe namah                           -  He who is the fire offering
Om Yagnya-mayaaya namah             -  He who is personification of fire sacrifice

Om Somaya namah                       -  He who is the moon
Om Pancha-vaktraya namah           -  He who has five necks
Om Sada-shivaya namah                -  He who is perennially peaceful
Om Vishveshwa-raya namah          -  He who is the Lord of the universe
Om Virabhadraya namah               -  He who is Vira Bhadra

Om Gana-nadhaya namah               -  He who is the leader of Ganas
Om Praja-pataye namah                 -  He who is the lord of all beings
Om Hiranya-retaya namah               -  He who shines like God
Om Durdharshaya namah                -  He who is difficult to see
Om Girishaya namah                       -  He who is the Lord of the mountain

Om Giree-shaya namah                    -  He who is the Lord of the mountain
Om Anaghaya namah                       -  He who is faultless
Om Bhujanga-bhusha-naya namah    -  He who wears snake as ornament
Om Bhargaya namah                       -  He who is Lord Shiva
Om Giri-dhanvine namah                 -  He who has mountain as the bow

Om Giri-priyaaya namah                 -  He who loves mountains
Om Krutti-vasaya namah                -  He who wears a hide
Om Pura-rataye namah                   -  He who is delighted for ever
Om Bhagavaye namah                    -  He who is the archer
Om Pramadha-dipaya namah          -  He who is a great lamp

Om Mrutyumjayaya namah            -  He who has won over death
Om Shukshma-tanave namah         -  He who has a micro body
Om Jagadvayapine namah             -  He who is spread all over the world
Om Jagad-gurave namah               -  He who is the teacher of
Om Vyoma-keshaya namah          -  He who has the sky as his hair

Om Mahasena-janakaya namah         -  He who can create great armies
Om Charu-vikramaya namah            -  He who is pretty and valorous
Om Rudraya namah                        -  He who is fiercely angry
Om Bhuta-pataye namah                 -  He who is the Lord of Bhutas
Om Sthanane namah                       -  He who is stable

Om Ahirbhudnyaya namah             -  He who wears a serpent
Om Digamba-raya namah              -  He who wears directions as cloth
Om Ashta-murthaye namah            -  He who has eight forms
Om Anekat-maya namah                 -  He who has several forms
Om Satvikaya namah                      -  He who is a sathvika (peaceful)

Om Shudha-vigrahaya namah         -  He who has a clean image
Om Shashwataya namah                 -  He who is perennial
Om Khanda-parashave namah         -  He who is armed with axe
Om Ajaaya namah                         -  He who is never born
Om Pashavimo-chakaya namah       -  He who frees one from attachment

Om Mrudaya namah                       -  He who is dead
Om Pashu-pataye namah                 -  He who is the Lord of all beings
Om Devaya namah                        -  He who is the God
Om Maha-devaya namah                 -  He who is the great God
Om Avya-yaya namah                    -  He who never changes

Om Haraye namah                         -  He who is the destroyer
Om Pusha-damta-bhethre namah      -  He who killed Pushpa Dantha
Om Avya-graya namah                   -  He who is not agitated
Om Dakshadwara-haraaya namah     -  He who destroyed the house of Daksha
Om Haraya namah                         -  He who destroys

Om Bhaganetrabhitre namah            -  He who has sun, moon and fire as eyes
Om Avya-ktaya namah                    -  He who is not clear
Om Saha-srakshaya namah               -  He who has thousand eyes
Om Saha-srapadave namah              -  He who has thousand feet
Om Apavarga-pradaya namah          -  He who helps us to complete

Om Anantaya namah                         -  He who does not have any end
Om Tarakaya namah                        -  He who is the star
Om Para-meshwaraya namah            -  He who is the divine Lord.

Om naanavidha parimala pathra pushpaanni samarpyami!!

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